Note: Please understand that this website is not affiliated with the Molyneux company in any way, it is only a reference page for collectors and those who have enjoyed the Molyneux fragrances.

The goal of this website is to show the present owners of the Molyneux company how much we miss the discontinued classics and hopefully, if they see that there is enough interest and demand, they will bring back your favorite perfume!

Please leave a comment below (for example: of why you liked the perfume, describe the scent, time period or age you wore it, who gave it to you or what occasion, any specific memories), who knows, perhaps someone from the company might see it.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Quartz by Molyneux c1977

Quartz by Molyneux: launched in 1977, in USA by 1978. In association with Sanofi. Created by Jean-Pierre Subrenat of Roure.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Gauloise by Molyneux 1980

Gauloise by Molyneux: launched in 1980. In USA by 1981. Created by Giovanni Pampuri.

"The perfume that reflects the legendary French female whose bite can be incredibly sharp"

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Magnificence de Molyneux c1947

Magnificence de Molyneux: launched in 1947.

Le Numero Cinq by Molyneux c1925

Le Numero Cinq by Molyneux: launched in 1925. Created by Jacques Vogel.

Molyneux’s most famous perfume was le Numero Cinq, also known as the Number Five, his lucky number, the same as Chanel’s.

In fact, author Luca Turin states that Chanel and Molyneux befriended one another and had hatched an idea to both bring out a perfume called No. 5 on the same day in 1921.

c1930 ad

Vogue by Molyneux c1929

Vogue by Molyneux: launched in 1929. Created by Jacques Vogel.

c1930 ad

Fête de Molyneux c1927

Fête de Molyneux:  launched in 1927. It may have lain dormant for some years before being picked up and possibly reworked in the early 1960s.

c1930 ad

Le Chic de Molyneux c1928

Le Chic de Molyneux: launched in 1928, in USA by 1932. Created by Jacques Vogel.

Charm de Molyneux c1928

Charm de Molyneux: launched in 1928.